Your blueprint for starting & scaling your online business

The Business Building Programme For Impact-Driven Coaches & Service Providers Who Are Ready To Fast Track Their Way To Signing DREAM Clients...and scaling to their first 100K

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CBA is the only program you'll need to launch and grow your coaching or service based business from scratch!

Holy moly - I want this
"The investment is worth every penny"
- Erika, Founder Empowered Change Ltd
You’ve found your way here because you're ambitious and passionate about helping people (and you're really good at it too!). People should know you exist. And hire you.
You can attract dream clients by being more YOU. yup!


X Icky Bro Marketing Tactics

X Facebook Ads

X Complicated Funnels

And even if...

You don’t feel confident showing up online (yet)

You don’t feel good enough to charge high ticket (yet)

You haven’t even got an offer mapped out (yet)

Yes, It Really Is Possible!


CBA is not a “cookie cutter program", or a sexy "6-figures in your first month!" gimmick. CBA is a tried and tested process of figuring out who you serve, what you offer them, and how to sell it to people who are excited to buy. ALL done in a way that empowers YOU and feels good (zero ickiness)

"Lauren took me out of the paralysis I felt, laid out my next steps and gave me the accountability I needed. 1 Month ago I launched my website and today I'm paying all my bills with income from my online coaching. Endlessly grateful"

- Mariel, PT + Nutrition Coach

"Lauren is so easy to get on with and an absolute delight to be coached by. Not too tough, not too soft on you but really getting to the heart of what's going on with curiosity and genuine care."

- Leesa, Leadership Coach

"This program changed my life and my business. We dove into all my mindset blocks and into what is actually going to drive the needle in my business. She has really transformed me and my business is so many ways. Find the resources and work with Lauren!"

- Kelly, Marketing Coach

Just Imagine...

â–” you could make a consistent monthly income by doing what you LOVE, helping others, and living in total abundance

â–” you were able to attract high-paying clients who feel excited and ready to work with you, by being more YOU

â–” you knew how to communicate your value & expertise to potential clients, and get paid what you desire without fear of rejection

â–” you were able to help more people, provide unforgettable results, and have testimonials pouring in from your clients



â–” you were able to create compelling content that SELLS where dream clients reaching out to YOU

â–” you were able to sell your coaching services with confidence and authenticity, without feeling pushy, slimy, or "salesy".

â–” you were able to finally stop procrastinating and actually get shit done, and see REAL results in your business.

â–” you had on-demand mentorship & guidance for whenever you feel “stuck” in your business - you made biz besties for life - and you never had to feel alone on your journey


Want to make this your reality?

Courageous Business Accelerator (CBA) is your blueprint to achieve all of this, and more.


Enrol Now
"I am now making more money, doing work I am passionate about,
in less time. I can't thank Lauren enough"
- Rose, Branding Coach & Strategist

Is this You?


â–” You're currently trying to sell “general coaching” or "bespoke services" based on length of time or number of sessions.

â–” You’ve downloaded all of the freebies but still don’t know “the how”
like there’s a secret you just don’t know. Super frustrating!

▔ The idea of selling and actually charging money for your services kinda makes you uncomfortable. 

▔ You’re tired of scrolling and watching everyone else become successful
you just don’t know what you’re doing wrong.

It’s OK, it’s not your fault. Everyone business needs the foundations
and everyone gets help. No one is born with this foundational knowledge.

Running a business is a skill that all coaches need and can learn - YOU absolutely can! 


"I LOVED working with Lauren, she's one of the best coaches I've ever worked with. whilst working with her she gave me tools (and the confidence) to actually move the needle in my business"

- Mimi, Business Coach

"Being an entrepreneur is challenging, hiring Lauren has been the best decision I've ever made in my business...I cannot begin to explain how much she has helped me" 

- Erika, Leadership Coach

“Lauren is all in when it comes to delivery! She will walk the walk with you, each step of the way. I made huge progress during our short time together, regardless of all life's surprises."

- Beata, Life Purpose Coach

What You Get Inside CBA...


Your Success Blueprint

In Module 1 you will learn how to step into your most courageous and confident self to see results faster. This module literally sets your mindset and your schedule up for success. Understand what fear-led and courage-led businesses look like and how to move past it, finally feel good enough and step forward with an empowered sense of self.


Client Clarity

You’ll learn my fool-proof system for choosing the most profitable and aligned niche for you and how to conduct market research. Even if you’ve already selected a niche, this process will teach you how to know your ideal client better than they know themselves. You’ll learn how to position yourself as an influential specialist, conduct effective market research (no complex BS). Finally, we'll show you how to craft a message so clear it will cut through the noise and turn you into an industry leader - regardless of your audience size or business experience


Your Signature Offer

Learn how to package your brilliance to start getting paid! In this module I show you how to craft an offer that's irresistible to your ideal client. You’ll learn how to create a program that provides unforgettable results, allows you to charge more, and attracts high-paying clients who take you seriously. I’ll cover high vs low ticket pricing, how to package your program, and how to offer a premium experience that changes lives.


Organic Client Attraction

Before attracting dream clients you will want to make sure all your clients are happy when they work with you - and so we teach you how to consider a 5 Star experience for your clients, create unforgettable results, and form fulfilling relationships with your clientele. And of course, I teach you how to attract your dream clients with Lead generating activities (so you’re not spinning in circles), how to cultivate an engaging community and keep track of your connections.


Build An Online Presence

Whether you are confident on social media or a total newbie to running an online business this module helps you decide which platform(s) are right for you to build your business and how to set it up to build credibility. In this module I cover Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Clubhouse and website foundations.


Simple Freebie Funnel

Learn how to create an irresistible freebie for your dream clients so they say YES to being part of your email community. Email marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or scary or “funnels”. To me, my email list is a place to connect deeper, provide value and invite people into my containers.


Content That Converts

Learn how to create content with ease that speaks to your DREAM clients and magnetises them in. We cover everything from canva 101, reels, CTA’s, batching vs intuitive creation and more


Selling With Soul

If you can't sell your service, you don't have a business. That's why in Module 8, I share the soulful and permission-based selling process I have used to sign dream clients without ever feeling salesy, pushy, or weird. You'll feel confident about your offer, overcome feelings of doubt, and make it irresistible for clients to say YES to you. We will also unveil secrets of Sales Psychology - you’ll understand exactly how and why people buy, so you can sell absolutely anything while creating WIN-WIN scenarios.


Quantum Toolkit

Even if you feel like your mindset is on “all good”, you’ll be surprised at all your hidden mental programming that slows you down in business - or all that gets pulled to the surface as you start moving out of your comfort zone big time. This module is for you to come back to time and time again. This is packed with mindset tools based in science that will support you in re-wiring your brain to think like a boss - and most importantly, ACT like one too.



Learn from guest experts about branding, legal, business energetics, nervous system regulation and so much more…plus a few extra bonus masterclasses from me.


Hi, I’m Lauren, The Courage Coachâ„ąïž and founder of personal development brand Courage Core.

What first began as a journey of personal development has grown into a successful online business, which I now support others to create for themselves.

I have seen what wholehearted women can do in this world when they shed their "not enough-ness" and start making money online in a way that works and feels good for them.

If you want to have an online business that works for you...if you desire it, it's meant for you!

~ Lauren x

Everything you need to start and scale your abundant online business as a coach or service provider!


Get Instant Access To Courageous Business Accelerator today and start signing dream clients...










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